
Design & Develop By Appidome

Puppal is the ideal social media app for dog lovers!

Share photos, build dog profiles, find vets and parks, and arrange playdates.


Puppal is a social media app designed for dog owners to connect and share their experiences with their furry friends. The app enables users to create profiles for their dogs, share photos and videos, and connect with other dog owners in their area. Puppal also has a search feature for nearby parks and veterinary hospitals, making it easy for dog owners to find the best places for their puppies to play and get the care they need. Additionally, Puppal has a scheduling feature to help users plan play dates with other dog owners.

Problem Statement

Dog owners often struggle to find a platform where they can connect with other dog owners and share their love for their furry friends. They also face challenges in finding the best places for their dogs to play and receive quality veterinary care. Moreover, it can be challenging for dog owners to coordinate play dates with other dog owners.


Puppal addresses these challenges by providing a social media platform designed specifically for dog owners. The app allows users to create profiles for their dogs and share their experiences with other dog owners. It also includes a search feature for nearby parks and veterinary hospitals, making it easy for users to find the best places for their dogs to play and receive care. Additionally, Puppal’s scheduling feature enables users to plan play dates with other dog owners.


Since its launch, Puppal has gained a growing user base of dog owners who use the app to connect and share their love for their furry friends. The app’s search feature for nearby parks and veterinary hospitals has helped users find the best places for their dogs to play and receive care. Additionally, the scheduling feature has enabled users to plan play dates with other dog owners, facilitating new connections and friendships among the app’s user base.